Chef Interviews

Yacht chef Imi Erdelyi
Chef Interviews

Hungarian Yacht Chef Imi Erdelyi

It’s not so common to get yacht crew hailing from entirely landlocked countries, but yacht chefs are a different breed. Firstly, a yacht chef must have the skills and talent in the galley to back themselves up not only on land but at sea too. No matter if a chef […]

Chef Dan Griffin in key west
Chef Interviews

From Catering to Yacht Chef: Dan Griffin

Yacht Chefs come from a range of backgrounds. Some come straight out of culinary school, while others earn their place in the galley through years of working in restaurants. Other chefs have started their galley career by working on deck or as a stew first. But yacht chefs often also […]

Chef Interviews

Below Deck yacht chef Anastasia Surmava

Below Deck has done wonders for bringing the yachting industry to the forefront of peoples minds when it comes to superyachting. Everyone has their opinion on this, good or bad. But one things for sure, the show has provided hours of entertainment to people who would otherwise know nothing about […]

Sole yacht Chef Eugenio
Chef Interviews

Sole Yacht Chef Eugenio Pacelli

For months we have marvelled over Chef Eugenio’s instagram page. His stunning plates stand out from the other yacht chef accounts because Eugenio’s plates are all shot the same. Simple white plates with a black background and shot from above. The food and plating take centre stage and its easy […]

Yacht Chef Brennan Dates
Chef Interviews

Head Chef Brennan Dates

Head chef Brennan Dates has recently popped up on many yacht chef’s radar’s. While he has been in the industry for a whopping 20 years, his online presence was kicked up a notch during quarantine. His quirky yet informative videos of his quarantine kitchen have been watched widely by the […]